Mia Rimpakone

Creative Director | Strategist | UX/UI Designer

A hands-on Creative Director, Strategist, Designer with multi-disciplinary expertise in digital experience design, advertising, branding, and technology. Mia believes that good design should inspire the heart, ignite the imagination, and with authenticity connect us all. In the age of Big Data, hyperconnectivity, and artificial intelligence, we need creativity and human empathy more than ever. Together, Mia bridges design and technology to make lives easier, fuller—more daring even.

For two decades, Mia has produced game-changing work with some of the best agencies in the business—IBMiX, Havas, Grey, Saatchi, TBWA/Chiat/Day, Razorfish, VSA Partners, Strawberry Frog, Frog Design, and FutureBrand, to name a few. She is a Brooklyn resident who grew up in Bangkok and was raised on the most delicious food and warmest of cultures. When she’s not in love with design ideas, she is with tennis, yoga, and travel.

Career Roles:

Creative Director | Strategist, Mia Rimpakone Inc

Global Design Director, IBM Interactive Experience

Creative Director, Saatchi & Saatchi Wellness